Those of you who are in charge of a young person, here's some tips to help keep them safe in an ever-changing digital world.
Talk - Probably the most important piece of advice anyone can give: Talk. Have regular conversations about what's happening online.Talk about the latest scams, talk about what should and shouldn't be shared online or in WhatsApp. Encourage them to be able to talk to you about anything online.
Research - Do your research! In conjunction with the first piece of advice, read about the latest scams coming through WhatsApp and online, so you can talk to a young person. Use sites such as Net Aware ( to keep up-to-date with the latest digital safety news.
You may well know more about WhatsApp and the Internet than the previous generation, but here are a couple of pointers to stick to.
Stop - Say no! Be assertive, and confident. If you're being asked to do or say something that makes you feel uncomfortable, then say no. Leave the chat,group, or whatever.Speak to your parent or guardian about it and show them the conversation.
Ask for Help - Talk to someone. It's important for the parents and guardians to talk to you,but you also need to learn to talk to them, or someone in a position of care, about how you're feeling. If you feel you're being a victim of a scam, then reach out to a parent, teacher, the NSPCC, or even the police.
NSPCC ...Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is a UK-based charity founded in 1884. It helps connect children and young people to adults trained to deal with stressful situations, or victims of abuse. Since the rise of the Internet, the charity has adopted an increased online role, and is considered one of the best sources of safety advice and help today.